Letter 4241

Ja Ingerson to J. Petiver –

Item info

Author: Ja Ingerson
Recipient: J. Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 389

Original Page


Sr This opertunaty obliged me to Trouble yu. with annother Letter as alsoo A small Token to Drinke wth. yu & Coz James Ayrey; I have had tow fitts of ye. goute since I camee here which occasioned me to make use of some of yor. medicens by which I found Co….. The Bearer has got such a stock of Plants &c yt. he will furnish yu. wth. what varietties ys place chiefly affords he has had abundance more Time & opper =tunaty to looke for ym. yn. I could Expect, being mine Consisted in Town in ye. selling my goods, & his in being in ye. Country or Drinking Claret[t?] in Town wch. he never spared; But if there be any thinge yt. he has gott wch. yu. may fancy for a [qt.?] of Let me know & yu. shall not want it, And I hope to have somethinge from ye Indians yt. ye Major has not in his Collection; Pray give my servis to Coz James Ayrey & Tell him I would have writt him but yt. nothing has offerd worth while since my last wch. was ye 14 [wth?]: [p?] Captt. [Brabins?] As for any News ys place affords I Refer yu. to ye. Bearer, & am wth. Tender of unfeigned Respects Sr your affect. Servtt. Ja Ingerson

There appears to be a portion of text in the top margin but the top portion of the letter is torn. James Ingerson informs James Petiver that he suffered two cases of gout since he “camee here which occasioned [him] to make use of some of yor. Medicens[.]” Ingerson claims that the person he got the medicine from has a large collection of plants and if Petiver desires any, Ingerson will get them for him. Ingerson mentions another individual but their name cannot be accurately deciphered: [Captt. Brabins?]

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