Letter 4294

Michael Maittaire to Hans Sloane – July 22, 1731

Item info

Date: July 22, 1731
Author: Michael Maittaire
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 280-281

Original Page


[fol. 280] 1731. July ye 22d. Bois, Bucks. Hond Sir, My wife sent me word, that you had last Sunday sent your servant, to know, if I was at home. I went out of town the morning before with the Duke of Rutland, with whom I spend the summer at Bois near Chesham in Buckingham-shire. I had come with him to town for a week; and I wish I had been so lucky, as to have stay’d one day longer, to receive your commands. However I thought fit to assure you by this, that, in case I can any way render you any service, I shall be glad to know your pleasure by a note left at my house. No distance of place shall, in such an occasion, be any let to him, who is and shall always be most willing and ready to approve himself, Worthy Sir, with all respect, Your most obedient and most humble servant MMaittaire P.S. Give me leave to acquaint you, that, tho I am in the country, yet the Oxford Marbles (wch you have incourag’d) go on; the proof of every sheet, as it is printed, is transmitted to me under the Duke’s cover. The work is now come to the middle of the Index, wch will contain alone at least twelve sheets.

Michael Maittaire was a classical scholar, typographer, and schoolmaster. He was educated at Westminster School and and Christ Church, Oxford. Mattaire was under-master at Westminster School from 1695 to 1699 before founding his own private school at Mile End. He published editions of Latin and Greek classics throughout his scholarly career and had an extensive library (Margaret Clunies Ross, Amanda J. Collins, Maittaire, Michael (16681747), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2009 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/17841, accessed 16 Aug 2013]).

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