Letter 4373

G. Medley to Hans Sloane – August 31, 1731

Item info

Date: August 31, 1731
Author: G. Medley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: f. 3

Original Page


[fol. 3] Sir, Your Goodness to me, when I had the Honour to wait on you, was too great, for me to give at that time any Utterance to my Gratitude. I took my Leave with a Thousand grateful sentiments in my Heart, but hardly a Word on my Tongue; so rare a Thing to me was such a noble Disposition; and so little did I expect such a Smile of Providence in my Favour, after a Train of Sufferings which had almost persuaded me, she had no more Favour for me[.] My Gratitude, Sir, for such Goodness, is of the highest Pitch: And one of the highest Pleasures of my future Life will be in Opportunities to express it. I am, Sir, your most obliged and most devoted humble servant G. Medley. Prince’s Street, Spittlefields. August 31st. 1731.

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