Letter 4387

William Pead to Hans Sloane – September 21, 1731

Item info

Date: September 21, 1731
Author: William Pead
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 18-19

Original Page


[fol. 18] Sept. 21. 1731. Sir I was to wait on you a few weeks ago, to shew you the bottom of an Old Glass bottle, which I pickt up near Oxford. You seem’d to be pleased with it, and asked me, what I would have for it. I was not then resolved to part with it, as not knowing what to ask for it, neither indeed do I now know. It’s oddness and singularity, its beauty and ugliness must make it be look’t on, as a great rarity, and as far as I can learn from my friends and others that have seen it, there is not perhaps its fellow in nature or art. Mr. Wildey at the great toy-shop the corner of St. Paul’s church-yard, told me, that if it had been a thing that he could cut, he would give me three hundred pounds for it. But this sum or any thing like it, is more than I expect. Wherefore if you are pleased to have it, If you will give me any thing handsomely for it, tis at your service. Which be pleased to let me know by a line or two, directed for me at the Chapter-house Coffee-house St Paul’s church-yard. Your very Humble servant William Pead.

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