Letter 4395

Hew Dalrymple to Hans Sloane – November 4, 1731

Item info

Date: November 4, 1731
Author: Hew Dalrymple
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 34-35

Original Page


[fol. 35] Sir The General Meeting of the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge Understanding from the Report of the Committee, That You have often signify’d a very good Opinion, of their design for promoting Christianity abroad & at home, And have been so good as to declare Your readiness to advance their Interests, And particularly was pleas’d to undergo some trouble in the matter of the Earl of Thanet’s Charity; They thought themselves extremely bound to you on these Accounts, as well as for the Countenance and Concurrence That a person of Your great Reputation for Learning & Piety is pleas’d to give to their Correspondence Meetings at London, And in their name I return you most hearty thanks, They presume to hope for the Continuance of Your favour & friendship. With much esteem I am Sir Your most obedient & most humble servant Hew Dalrymple Preses Edinburgh 4th Novr 1731 To Sir Hans Sloan.

Hew Dalrymple was the President of the Scotch Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge.

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