Letter 4410

Thomas Dereham to Hans Sloane – ye 17 February 1734

Item info

Date: ye 17 February 1734
Author: Thomas Dereham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 5

Original Page


ye 17 February 1734 Sir I am desired by Sig.e Eusachio Manfredi a most worthy member of our R. Society, to present unto you the enclosed packet containing three copies of his “Questions de recta Parchae Indictione,” whereof I gave you a hint sometime ago, entreating you to give one of the said papers for the perusall of the Astronomers of the R. Society, & then send one of the other two, unto each of the universities of Oxford, & Cambridge, whence in due time you must be pleased to require their wise opinion, & no less of the Astronomers of out R. Society, whilst Sig.e Manfredi has sent unto all the other most renowned universities, & Academies in Europe this paper of his to gett there approbation, or admonition, & it would be glorious for our society that one of our members could make the world easie for 5000 years upon a point that hitherto has caused so many disputes, & inconveniences, wherefore in expectation of your kind concurrence, & meditation to so usefull an effect, I hope it will not be log before you return to me a gratefull answer, & that you will do me the justice to believe that I have nothing so much at heart as to promote the honour, 7 renown of our Society, & to prove my self with great respect Sir your most Obedient, & most humble servant Thomas Dereham

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