Letter 4412

George Richmond to Hans Sloane – November 22, 1731

Item info

Date: November 22, 1731
Author: George Richmond
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 46-47

Original Page


[fol. 47] Paris Nov: ye 22d 1731 N.S. Sr I was favour’d some time agoe with a letter from Mr. Fuller who gave me hopes that I should be favoured with a line from you in regard to a Catalogue of Books which he gave me when in Paris and could not tell whether you would please to have ye whole or only those which were mark’t particularly on which account I waited for further orders before I proceeded to bye them, which if you will please to favour me with in that or any thing else none shall be more ready to serve you than Sr your most obedt Humble Servant G. Richmond please to direct to me chez Monsieur Carré procureur au Parlement rue St. André des Arts à Paris

George Richmond was Secretary to Baron Petre. He later became a bookseller in Paris.

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