Letter 4452

William Holmes to Hans Sloane – June 4 1735

Item info

Date: June 4 1735
Author: William Holmes
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 51

Original Page


Sr. Dr. Shaw communicated to me your letter in which I filed ye University qusally obliged to you for yr generous instructions to our library and Museum, for which I desire you to accept the most humble and sincere acknowledgements. I hope for ye honour of waiting on you in town next week, but in ye mean time, thought its my duty to acquaint you how sousible we are of ye much obligations you are confonning on us and with how much respects, I am particularly Sr, yr most obliged humble serv.t W. Holmes Oxon. June 4.1735

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