Letter 4460

Thomas Cooke to Hans Sloane – April 15 1735

Item info

Date: April 15 1735
Author: Thomas Cooke
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 34

Original Page


Letters who are Proprietors of my pdution of Terence, having agreed with me for an pdution all my original pieces in two large volumes, an resolved to have them ready with the last volumes of my Terence, pardon me if I express my earnest Desire of your Name in the List of my Subscribers, The work contains my original poems, Plays & other pieces, among which I have payed a Tribute of Respect to your Character of your very valuable Work, the natural History of Jamaica &c. As this is the last of this kind; and as it is an entire Collection of my Works, I am theremore auch(?) of Names of Euinence; & as it is printing to comeous with my two last Volumes of Terence, a speedy Application for Subscriptions is necessary, the Bishop of Winchester, the speaker of the House of Commons, & Dr. Medd have begun the Subscription; which is a Guinea, wither all or Half down. I have taken the Liberty to enclose two Receipts Submitting the Choice of either of them to you; those I have named payed the whole payment; but the Honour of either from you, by my servant the Beaser, shall be most respectfully received by, Sir your most obedient, obliged and most humble servant Thomas Cooke April 15 1735 P.S. This, Sir, is the last work I will publish by Subscription, and as no one pays a greater respect to your character than myself, no one will receive the Favour more respectfully. it is the last trouble I shall give you, except to send the books with my Terence & to express my gratitude.

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