Letter 4483

Signature Missing to Hans Sloane – May 8, 1732

Item info

Date: May 8, 1732
Author: Signature Missing
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: f. 110

Original Page


[fol. 110] London 8th May 1732 Sr I was to have kissed your hands on Saturday last, but had the misfortune not to find you at home yor servants told me you was gone to Chelsea I take the liberty to put you in mind in of your intended favour to the Society for propagating Christian-knowledge in Scotland you was pleased to promise me some time since that you would imploy yor good offices with My Lady Harold to obtain some part of My Lord Tennet’s-Legacy for the Society you then told me there was something to be done in Chancery before that money could be disposed of I am now credibly informed that the Trustees have got full powers from that Court Upon thursday last at the quarterly meeting of our Corrospondents I was desired to appryze you of this in hopes that you will continue to use your Intrest and creadit with My Lady, for […] Society I am with sincere respect […]

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