Letter 4488

William Stukeley to Hans Sloane – 4 jul. 1735

Item info

Date: 4 jul. 1735
Author: William Stukeley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 64

Original Page


Good Sr. Hans I am now attending the Duchess of Ancastor in an hystoric cholic. Mrs. Newton housekeeper here has been troubled with an inflammation in one of her eyes, for a two wo month last past. every thing has been done for her that can be thought of, without any effect. I fancy an ox sorval application may be serviaable if you would please to send her a small phival of your eyewater I hope it would doo her good; I am sure it would be kindly taken by the Family here. They have printed a very ohgant edition of my book of the gout in Ireland, with some addition. I doust not but you have seen it. our oyls continue to meet with great success in gout, rhumatism & Sciatica , all the kingdom over. I am Good Sr. your most obligd humble servant Wm Stukeley Grimsthorp 4 jul. 1735

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