Letter 4489

Benjamin Holloway to Hans Sloane – May 10, 1732

Item info

Date: May 10, 1732
Author: Benjamin Holloway
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 111-112

Original Page


[fol. 111] Hond Sr My Book has been under ye Examination of Friends, & some specimens of it I yet think fit to send to others, so that I cannot at present send it to ye press: This retards my Journey to London, wch I am willing to defer till all is ready, that I may wait on my Friends from where I hope for Advice or Assistance to forward ye publication. In ye mean I woud no longer defer paying ye debt I owe the Royal Society. If there for a yo will be so good as to let me know to whom I may send it. I will according to your direction in your Letter of Nov. 21. return ten Guineys to a Friend who shall pay it accordingly: At ye same time yo will please to not order that my Bond be deliverd to ye Person who brings the money, & that I be continued a member, without being obligd to make any more payments, as in that Letter yo said the Carrier [at your kind Instance] agreed I shoud be, I am Sr Your very Obedient Humble servant B. Holloway. Yo will please to remember to direct to me by Biceter Bag. Oxfordshire Midleton-stony May. 10. 1732.

Benjamin Holloway (1690/91-1759) was a Church of England Clergyman and religious controversialist. He provided evidence to support the geological theories of John Woodward, which were published in the Philosophical Transaction. In 1723, with Sir Hans Sloane’s support, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Holloway published many books on religious topics (Scott Mandelbrote, Holloway, Benjamin (1690/911759), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/13572, accessed 25 July 2013]).

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