Letter 4490

Thomas Adams to Hans Sloane – May 15, 1732

Item info

Date: May 15, 1732
Author: Thomas Adams
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 113-114

Original Page


[fol. 113] Hornnred [sic] Sr Dublin mat the 15th 1732 I having this oportuntie [sic] by this young man to send your Honner this small animel and I hop it will be acceptabll to your Honner and if I Could […] with on that was Lager I would have sent it but if I met with on agenst my Coming to Town Sr this was lack on the Latter End of the year and it is not in its finn bute [?] as in the midest of summer I hop your Honner is in helth Sr you was verye good to me in Talking of my shells Mr Will Dey had the collecton [sic] of shells for about the same monye [sic] as the Land Carrages Com to my wife and I give ouer humble Dutye to youer Honner and yor Honners most humble and abaundent sert Thos: Adams

Thomas Adams was Quartermaster of the Dragoons.

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