Letter 4542

Browne Langrish to Hans Sloane – September 17, 1732

Item info

Date: September 17, 1732
Author: Browne Langrish
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 184-185

Original Page


[fol. 184] Honour’d Sir, I am unwilling to give you the Trouble of sending my Manuscripts any where, & there fore have desired Mr Bettesworth, a Bookseller in Pater noster Row, to send his servant to you for it. I will take Case to add Mr Cowper’s Experiment with Those I have lately made on the Aorta, & I flatter my self, when I have carefully revised & corrected my work, & added what I have farther to say on the Nature of Attraction & Repulsion, my Theory of muscular Motion will be illustrated so as to make it appear consistent with the known Laws of Nature, & the animal Oeconomy. I hope, Sir, when Dr Croon’s Lecture is fixt, you will be so kind as to let me know whether I can read it or not. I am, Sir, yr most Obedient & most humble servant Browne Langrish Petersfield Septr ye 17th 1732

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