Jemima Grey

Jemima de Grey, née Crew, Duchess of Kent and her daughter Lady Jemima Grey, 1705, by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Credit: National Heritage, Wrest Park - Silsoe.

Jemima de Grey, née Crew, Duchess of Kent and her daughter Lady Jemima Grey, 1705, by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Credit: National Heritage, Wrest Park – Silsoe.

Jemima (nee) Crew (1675-1728) married Henry Grey, 1st and last Duke of Kent, in 1695. Her parents were Thomas Crew, 2nd Baron Crew of Stene, and Anne Armyne.



‘Hon. Jemima Crew’, The Peerage, (accessed 7 February 2017).

Dates: to


Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File: