William Hamill

William Hamill was agent and trust for the officers and soldiers at the garrisons of Londonderry and Enniskilling in Ireland. He published a memorial ‘Officers and Soldiers for their service in Ireland in the late Revolution‘ in 1714 and ‘A view of the Danger and Folly of Being Publick-Spirited and Sincerely Loving One’s Country…‘ in 1721 campaigning for pay that had not been paid to the soldiers since the revolution in Ireland.


James Seaton Reid The History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland: Comprising the Civil History of the Province of Ulster, From the Accession of James the First: with a Preliminary Sketch of the Progress of the Reformed Religion in Ireland During the Sixteenth Century, and an Appendix Consisting of Original Papers, (London, 1837), p. 473 (https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4hFZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA473&lpg=PA473&dq=Officers+and+Soldiers+for+their+service+in+Ireland+in+the+late+Revolution%27+in+1714&source=bl&ots=DQY0vPL_6M&sig=gHUNAc9SLJbvoc4Ef_u6pJUgwHk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjsrcqYg_rRAhXGIsAKHfr6DiUQ6AEIJDAB#v=onepage&q=william%20hamill&f=true [accessed 5 February 2017]).

William Hamill, A view of the Danger and Folly of Being Publick-Spirited and Sincerely Loving One’s Country in the Deplorable Case of the Londonderry and Innishkilling Regiments: Being a True and Faithfull Account of their Unparalleled Service and Sufferings, at and since the Revolution (London, 1721). (https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Mj4IAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA67&lpg=PA67&dq=william+hamill+1717+ireland&source=bl&ots=VKs8606BF-&sig=uTGYwpAQnVoC5hlMSg2u8dCLzW4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig3PKwgvrRAhXDKMAKHT6HAq8Q6AEILTAD#v=onepage&q=hans%20sloane&f=true [accessed 5 February 2017]).

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