Letter 0104

William Sherard to Hans Sloane – August 10, 1700

Item info

Date: August 10, 1700
Author: William Sherard
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: ff. 47-48

Original Page


[fol. 47] Dear Sr. I return you a thousand thanks for faves in London & question not but shll do ye same for procuring me ye honer to wait you by grace, ye prospect being very agreeable. I did not get to Badivixgton till wenesday, ye horses sent to meet me, by ye neglect of servt coming too late or letting ye coach pass wth out asking yesterday working his grain set out for this place & was met by most of ye genty wth in ye focept of Dear; severall were there that were not expected, having been violent ennamies of the late years to ye family, & ye rest of them design to wait upon his grace here, who by his sweat temper & obliging be haviour will bring them intirely into his interest. we shall stay here but 4 or 5 days & then go for Ld Coventicas so yt shall not return to Baduington this fortnight at least. I was extremely supris’d to see ye gardens wch out do anything in Europe, I shall give Mr. Ray some acct. of them Fol. 47v there being a great many nondescripts in good state to describe, but that might be at more leisure. I saw Dr Godnar Bridges & his cocufaguious, Mr. Gora & severall other friends at ye Ball where we drank yr health together. my humble service to yr good Lady & family & to all frinds at ye clubb & else where, from Yr most bliged humble Serv’t WSherard Troy near Moumouth Augst 10th 1700

Sherard was a botanist and cataloguer. He worked for the Turkish Company at Smyrna where he collected botanical specimens and antiques (D. E. Allen, Sherard, William (16591728), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/25355, accessed 24 June 2011]).

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