Letter 0143

William Eratt to Hans Sloane – January 23, 1718/9

Item info

Date: January 23, 1718/9
Author: William Eratt
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4075
Folio: f. 88

Original Page


Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Unnamed Lady
    Age:childbearing age
  • Description

    thin habit of body, subject to sharp humours and weakness upon her nerves. Violent skin eruptions during fifth or sixth month of pregnancy, which lasted until birth.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    used issues, now dried, for her nerves. After birth, surgeon gave her sweetening woods and purges for the skin. Believed the treatments to have been mercurial, as when she did not purge completely after a double dose, she developed gutta serena. Her vision also seemed to be blackened. Sent for Eratt to treat 'want of spirits' in retina or optic nerves.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    Eratt prescribed a perpetual blister to her neck. For the opthalmia after her cold, he prescribed cooling waters with tutia preparat and night draughts. She also had an issue in the leg, but it is less clear whether Eratt or the surgeon put it there.


    After mercurial treatments by a surgeon, she developed gutta serena. Her vision also seemed to be blackened. Sent for Eratt to treat 'want of spirits' in retina or optic nerves. Eratt's initial treatment was helpful, as she recovered strength and appetite; her vision improved. Then she caught cold and developed an opthalmia. He successfully treated the inflammation and her vision improved somewhat with the least inflamed eye.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Eyes, Nerves, Pregnancy, Skin ailments