Letter 0284

J. Eaton to William Cheyne, 2nd Viscount Newhaven – April 21, 1724

Item info

Date: April 21, 1724
Author: J. Eaton
Recipient: William Cheyne, 2nd Viscount Newhaven

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4075
Folio: f. 77

Original Page


Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Mr. Crippings
  • Description

    Had a cough all winter. Inclinable to a dropsy. Negligent of taking medicines.

  • Diagnosis

    He suffered from a sudden numbness all over his left side and loss of feeling in his left arm and leg. Fears patient will stop taking his medicines too soon.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    He took an unknown medicine in previous times from a cough and dropsy.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    For the numbness Eaton immediately made Crippings gargle with a mixture of mustard and wine and submit to bleeding. He also applied a large visicatory between his shoulders and gave him a dose of "physick" and a cordial. Later he was give a cephalick julap, among other medicines. His head was then shaved and bled. He was given an Aperitive Electuary and Stomachick Bitter Chalibeated, as well as an expectorating mix. Sloane's prescription notes: "Elect. cephalic. tinct. soer. Julep. cephal."


    He is improving and can now walk about his room without aid and he continues to regain his strength. His appetite is also back.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Apoplexy, Paralysis, Numbness