Letter 0291

Alexander Findlater to Hans Sloane – March 27, 1719

Item info

Date: March 27, 1719
Author: Alexander Findlater
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4075
Folio: ff. 147-148

Original Page


Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Captain Clesse
  • Description

    f. 148 is a report on Cleese's condition and physical symptoms.

  • Diagnosis

    Gout and unknown swelling.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    (See Sloane MS 4075, ff. 136-140, 146.)

    Ongoing Treatment:

    f. 147 is Findlater's comments. He noted that Cleese continued following Sloane's directions. This included vomits and purges.


    Sloane's prescription seemed to help the goutish pains, although the swellings in his foot and reddish legs continued. They wondered if purging should be stopped. Since the gout, the swelling in his body and belly went, but had worsened in his thighs, legs and foot. His stomach bore the vomits, which helped his breathing. The urine quantity was sufficient, but high-coloured.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Gout, Inflammations, Stomach, Urinary