Letter 0303

Jacob Bobart to Hans Sloane – October 1, 1688

Item info

Date: October 1, 1688
Author: Jacob Bobart
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4036
Folio: ff. 43-44

Original Page


Bobart thanks Sloane for the Jamaican seeds. He encourages him to keep up the good work. Bobart excuses his enthusiasm, ‘haveing never has the opportunity of soe curious a Collector as yr selfe in those parts’. He asks Sloane to remember Oxford when sending specimens to Europe. Jacob Bobart (1641-1719) was a botanist and son of Jacob Bobart, the elder (c.1599-1680). He worked with his father at the Oxford Physic Garden for nearly 40 years (D. E. Allen, ‘Bobart, Jacob, the younger (1641–1719)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/2742, accessed 5 June 2015]).

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