Letter 0405

Cecilia Garrard to Hans Sloane – November 19, 1695

Item info

Date: November 19, 1695
Author: Cecilia Garrard
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4036
Folio: ff. 220-221

Original Page


[fol. 220] Sr Every day encreases my obligations to you for your so constant care with informing me of my Dear Brothers recovery which I much rejoice to hear of and should be very glad of his company but that the weather is extream cold and the grapes being not yet gather’d I fear would be an irresistable temptation to him and might impede the speedy perfect establishment of his health therefore unless you judge it absolutely necessary for him to be in the air I would willingly have his coming a littler deferr’d pleas by a line or two lett me know your thoughts as you’ll oblige Sr Your servant Cecilia Garrard

Cecillia Garrard (nee Steed) was the wife of Sir Nicholas Garrard (1665-1727), 3rd Baronet of Langford. They married in 1671 (‘Hundred of South Greenhoe: Langford’, An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: volume 6 (1807), pp. 20-26. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=78224).

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