Letter 0418

Jacob Bobart to Hans Sloane – August 10, 1696

Item info

Date: August 10, 1696
Author: Jacob Bobart
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4036
Folio: ff. 252-253

Original Page


[fol. 252] Pardon me Sir that I use this way, not being certaine how better to direct to you, to beg some mitigation of your severe censure on my tarditie, and not returning my thankfullness before now, for that your most acceptable Present of your late most elaborate and correct work… Which I sometimes (when ever I can find time) peruse with a great satisfaction as admiration, when I consider the multiplicity of your cited Authors, and from thence your great care, pains & judgement in researching, comparing and reconcileing soe many writers, weither as I may say, Litirate, or some allmost illiterate: which to doe and bring to this perfection, I am very sensible hath cost you noe small labour in compileing; and hope, with the rest of the world, that it is but as a fore-runner, instance and a farther promise from you of your excellent History, which you by this prospect which you have been pleas’d to open, have made us more earnest for and disirous of, then ever. May you live to enrich the world therwith; enjoy all happyness and prosperitie; and direct me which way or wherein I may prove serviceable to you…

Bobart apologizes for his tardiness in thanking Sloane and praises the latter’s work.

Jacob Bobart (1641-1719) was a botanist and son of Jacob Bobart, the elder (c.1599-1680). He worked with his father at the Oxford Physic Garden for nearly 40 years (D. E. Allen, ‘Bobart, Jacob, the younger (1641–1719)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/2742, accessed 5 June 2015]).

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