Letter 0591

Samuel Pepys to Hans Sloane – August 10, 1699

Item info

Date: August 10, 1699
Author: Samuel Pepys
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4037
Folio: ff. 315-316

Original Page


[fol. 315] Sr Sunday Aug. 10. 1699. I endeavourd a visit to you yesterday & a visit of just Respect. But it was not without another Errand, & what St. Paul would call a greater then that, namely, of Charity. The occasion of it will bee told you from a Neigh- -bour of yours, my extraordinary friend, Mrs. Harrison. I have made some way toward what wee desire, as you will see by a paper that will bee shewen you. What make mee ye more sol- -licitous to you in it, is, that to morrow mor- -ning is likely to determine all wee are to hope for in it; & the whole (I understand) depends upon ye Opinion that shall bee given in ye Case by Dr. Pitts, to whom I am entirely a Stranger, but have him described to mee for a very Good Man, & one therefore that in soe charitable a cause as this is, will not (I hope) bee easily ledd to pronounce ye Case of an indigent Wretch incureable; which is to give her up to perish. The Governours you will see, are disposed already to favour my Request, & I would not despayre but your interposeing in it with Dr. Pitts, would make it successefull; which would (besides its being otherwise a most worthy Act) say an extraor- -dinary Obligation upon. Your most humble Servnt. Pepys The President Sr. Wm. Prichard is not (I am told) in Towne. But should hee bee, & in Court, I have reason to believe, ye use of my Name to him, in such a Cause as this, would finde.

Pepys was a naval official who is best known as a result of the publication of his diaries, which recount the various political and social happenings of his day (C. S. Knighton, Pepys, Samuel (16331703), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/21906, accessed 19 June 2013]).

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