Letter 0646

William Sherard to Hans Sloane – October 28, 1700

Item info

Date: October 28, 1700
Author: William Sherard
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: ff. 84-85

Original Page


[fol. 84] Dear Sr. I read yrs & thank you heartily for ye transactions & yr trouble about ye yr cases. I shall write Venice speedily, if about any thing ghence, let me know having some mon–ey due to me there, wch I design to lay out in Books I read a letter lately from Mr. Ray, who sayd his methody is finished & yt he would add to it avicshode for grasses. I with you would contrive to get it printed. I work for him every day & was it not for yt diversion I should not be able to stay here. I never met wth any body yt has so little genius for learning (or anything else for hoses, dogs &sport) as his grace, wch sometimes makes me uneasy if I cam rubout ye time I promise I’le do not dispair of any sort of [?] tho it was to be (dark) Carshusian Mr. Ray will send me every section as he finishes them to look over & add what I can. if I shall wth pleasure do ye little I can to render ye work more compleat he wants an [?] of sker-backs Thegh Fungi, Wch I woud make if I had it. [fol. 84v] there is also some actts of Fungi at ye end of an Acct. of [?] writ in English in 8vo wch shoud be added & compared wth those describd elsewhere; I question not but you have it. I writ to Mr. Petiver Sept. 21 but he will not voulh safe me an answer when I walk out I divert my self wth moff cropping; I have dryd a great many sorts, some I think new. I have makd out a great many & design to gather them in all their states, wch will reduce them to fewer then are mentioned. Pray wn you see Mr. Buddle, give him my service & tell him I lay by for & expect ye same on his side. my ser-vice to yr good family & all friends at ye Tarished Coffee house. Your Dear Sr. yr most obliged humble servt WSherard Badmington Oct. 28th 1700

Sherard was a botanist and cataloguer. He worked for the Turkish Company at Smyrna where he collected botanical specimens and antiques (D. E. Allen, Sherard, William (16591728), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/25355, accessed 24 June 2011]).

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