Letter 0651

William Sherard to Hans Sloane – November 23, 1700

Item info

Date: November 23, 1700
Author: William Sherard
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: ff. 91-92

Original Page


[fol. 92] Dear Sr. The Presid’t having sumon’d me to ye College to take ye June Bursers place, I shall set forwards on Monday morning for Oxford, where if I can do you any service be pleased to command me. I have reed a curious parcel of seeds from ye Cape, most new; there’s 223 sorts, of wch 14 Aloel, 32 for -day; Gerides am promis’d from all parts large collections, if out at spring shall find diversion enough I read a letter lately from Sgre Frenfetti, who has sent me some copies of his Lusiones printed that year by 2 either ways, so yt I hope speceily to have them. he has ready for ye press an an-swer to Malpighi in has of a posth. wch he says he will dchata to ye royal society, yt they may judg of his report. Sgre Baghoi is very importinate wth me to procure him a certificate of his being admitted into ye society wth ye seal toit. he sends me word yr sope whom he treated wth a green in ye color he has printed ye followng Book & sent me some sopies of it. De fibra notrice et morbosa; nei honed experi-mentis ai orbis Salive bilis et sanguinis ubi obiter de reppi-ratione et sam(crossed out); de Satica aeris et Liquid orace per ovserva– tionas Betoneitxieof et Hydros taticas adusum res[…] [fol. 92v] exotica [?] cuculatiione sanguines in tastudina ajusdecug conta -[?] gristola ad Alax Pascoli Biadicu Perusid Auu jus. 1700. Mosr. Vaillant writes yt Mr. Tourefort writ from Milo Aug 6th yr he had left Candy after ten weeks searching he has ^sent^ 135designs of plants from there & a catalogue of about 400 as well described as note of yt land. Monsr Fagon desird ye plan of my Lady Duchess’s taves having just built a serra in yr garden at Paris & sedigninf thaved; he has a model of those of Amsterdam & I have sent him those [?] wch [?] ye beste I ever saw especially ye long out sthaud you heartily for ye Books her Grace has there. all my service to yr good family I work hard for Mr. Ray who I hope lyts out well, I am Sr yr most obliged humble servt WSherard Badmington Novbr 3d 1700

Sherard was a botanist and cataloguer. He worked for the Turkish Company at Smyrna where he collected botanical specimens and antiques (D. E. Allen, Sherard, William (16591728), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/25355, accessed 24 June 2011]).

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