Letter 0663

Samuel Pepys to Hans Sloane – January 8, 1701

Item info

Date: January 8, 1701
Author: Samuel Pepys
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: ff. 121-122

Original Page


[fol. 121] Sr Gorde-Buildings: Jan. 8. 1700 I am ledd by some Conversation I have just now had with our learned friend ye Bearer Mr Monro to repete what I have heretofore sayd to you in relation to ye most learned & celebrated Monseignr Bellisono at Rome. His Character is soe univer- -sally knowne & honoured, that I will not soe much as suppose you a stranger to it; Only I thinke it becomeing mee to give you soe much of it as comes to mee from a Gentleman a Mem- -ber of our Owne Society, to whom hee has ex- -pressed his most reguardfull Esteem of ye same, & desire of ye Honor of his Admission there into, in Order to a Correspondence, that that Gentleman Mr Jackson tells me hee believes may bee truly usefull to ye Society; ad- -ding, that besides his known urbanity & Repectfullness- as well as Comunicativenesse to all Strangers, hee is observed to expresse himselfe to non more soe, then to ye English. On all which scores I make it my Motion & Request to ye Society by your hand (because, as you well know, ut- -terly unable at this Time to doe it perso- -nally, as I otherwise ought & should have done) that ye sayd Seignor Bellisono may bee thought worthy, & have ye Honor hee desires of being admitted into ye Number of ye Fellows ofye Royall Society. With which, & ye telling you, that I shall not fayle in my Duty of attending the service thereof,as soone as ever my Health shall enable mee to doe it, I rest Sr Your most humble Servant Pepys

Pepys was a naval official who is best known as a result of the publication of his diaries, which recount the various political and social happenings of his day (C. S. Knighton, Pepys, Samuel (16331703), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/21906, accessed 19 June 2013]).

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