Letter 0679

Jezreel Jones to Hans Sloane – April 7, 1701

Item info

Date: April 7, 1701
Author: Jezreel Jones
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: ff. 154-155

Original Page


[fol. 154] Sir When I wrote my Last the Fleet under Captain Fairborns convoy ready to sail, and I did not deliver the Letters and Colection to him as I then writ but they were delivered to Capt Godfrey Commander of the St George merchant ship who promised me to deliver them to you as soon as he arrives at London. The Parcel is Marked S.P.S. I would send more but time will not let me now for I am just goeing on board to sail for Tettuan from whence the same Embarcation which I have hired on purpose to carry me I will write you and send a larger and more Excellent Collection, I must desire you to remit me some money as soon as you can, which you may doe by Sr William Hodges a merchant here to whom I intend to send the Collections I make, or to the Consul Sr Martin Wescomb. I am Sir Your most faithful and Obedt servant Jezreel Jones. Cadiz Apr. the 7th 1701 Dr Sloane.

Jezreel Jones was a traveler and diplomat known for his Arabic skills. He was elected clerk to the Royal Society in 1698 and chosen as British envoy to Morocco in 1704 (Elizabeth Baigent, Jones, Jezreel (d. 1731), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/15022, accessed 3 July 2013]).

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