Letter 0681

Humfrey Wanley to Hans Sloane – April 14, 1701

Item info

Date: April 14, 1701
Author: Humfrey Wanley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: ff. 158-159

Original Page


[fol. 158] Castle yard. Apr. 14. 1701. Honor’d Sir, To convince you of the Truth of what I wrote to you in my Last, I now send you my Transcript of Theophilus Monachus, together with the Original manuscript. The MS. being very difficult to read in many places and treating of things I am not used to, much less to the way of making & working with them: I could not copy it so correctly as I could wish. I would intreat you, sir, to run over my Copie, and to compare it with the Original, especially where you find a blank, or words mark’s thus, —– and your fresh Eye will contribute much to the finding out some words I am very doubtful of at present. If upon running the Treatise over, you shall Judge it fit to be printed: I will go it over again, compare it with the Original (which I have not yet done), & fit it for the Press. If in your great wisdom you think it not worth the Trouble, it may rest where it is. I send you my other two books, and return ten thousand thanks for all your great Favors to me, wishing it lay in my power to shew you in such manner, as I would, with how much sincerity & respect I am Honor’d Sir, Your most humble & obedient servant Humfrey Wanley

Wanley was an Old English scholar and a librarian. He contributed four catalogues to Bernards Catalogue, a collection of manuscripts published in 1697. He was appointed assistant at the Bodleian Library in 1695 (Peter Heyworth, Wanley, Humfrey (16721726), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/28664, accessed 19 June 2013]).

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