Letter 0710

Humfrey Wanley to Hans Sloane – October 12, 1701

Item info

Date: October 12, 1701
Author: Humfrey Wanley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: ff. 252-253

Original Page


[fol. 252] 12 Octob. 1701. Most Honor’d Sir I went yesterday to the Dean of Worcesters in order to review the remaining part of my Catalogue which I had prepared. We finished, but it was so late in the day before I could take my leave of him that I thought there would be hardly time sufficient to enter upon the Catalogue of your Books at your house. For that Reason I came directly home & applied my self to those Papers which must be Copied against to morrow knnight, some of which being very long, and to day being a broken day, (since I must attend out S— and dispatch some of their business before I meet ’em) I thought thought [sic] you coudl be better pleas’d it I should transcribe them as fast as I can. In order to this I find that I want The Translations of two Letters of Mr Leeuwenhoeck to you, dated 5 April & the 2 of August last as also the original Dissertation of Mounsier Reneaums which I translated & gave you back the last time that I had the Honor to see you. If you can find these 3 papers I intreat you, Sir, to send em by this bearer: if not, I will go forwards with the others. I find some written Accounts of Printed Books, which I supposed are inserted into the Transactions; be pleas’d to lett me know whether I should transcribe them into the Register or not. but above all, Sir, let me beg of you to do me the Justice to believe that I do not differe the finishing the Catalogue of those few of your books which I had begun, out of any inconstancy of Temper, or want of respect for you; but that I only dispatch that business first, which you said was in most hast, & consequently would have soonest done by Honor’d Sir, Your most faithful & obedient servant Humfrey Wanley

Wanley was an Old English scholar and a librarian. He contributed four catalogues to Bernards Catalogue, a collection of manuscripts published in 1697. He was appointed assistant at the Bodleian Library in 1695 (Peter Heyworth, Wanley, Humfrey (16721726), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/28664, accessed 19 June 2013]).

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