Letter 0735

Alexander Stuart to Hans Sloane – February 16, 1701/02

Item info

Date: February 16, 1701/02
Author: Alexander Stuart
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: f. 305

Original Page


[fol. 305] Febry 16th/ 1701/2. From on board the London at anchors in the Hope Much Honoured Sir, Being just now got on board I though it my duety to let you know, and to give you my humble thanks for your extraordinary kindenesses towards me on all occasions but more particularly the last: I cannot also omitt to thank you for those books you pleased to allow me which encouraged me to ask you one more viz Bellini’s opuscula which I could not find after inquiry at most book seller shops in London, the prise is about four shillings, which Mr Stuart Chymist will readily pay if by a penny post letter youd please to inform him where he may find it. I’ve desired him to send it to capt Mathews’s hovel door to the White Horse in Broadstreet, if by any means he can find it. I found the othr volume de Urinis et pulsibus and most othr books I designd to take, along with me. Moan hime and begg your excuse for this presumption, the principal design of this letter being to acknowledge [your] self. Much Honoured Sir Your most humble and Obliged servt Alexander Stuart

Stuart was a physician and natural philosopher. He served as a ship’s surgeon from 1701-1707 and corresponded with Sloane while at sea, sending him natural history specimens. Stuart contributed articles to the Philosophical Transactions from the 1720s, mostly on physiology (Anita Guerrini, Stuart, Alexander (1673?1742), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/47081, accessed 3 July 2013]).

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