Letter 0772

Gedeon Bonnivert to Hans Sloane – September 4, 1702

Item info

Date: September 4, 1702
Author: Gedeon Bonnivert
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: ff. 21-22

Original Page


Bonnivert apologizes for missing Sloane at the coffeehouse when he was in town. He informs Sloane that he should just take the money he is owed from the sale of Bonnivert’s debenture bonds. He discusses his 20 days at sea and how storms drove them to the Isle of Man twice. He describes the plant growth between the brickwork in Ramsey that he examined while he was there. Lieutenant Gedeon Bonnivert was the son of Paschall and Judith Bonnivert of Sedan in Champagne.

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