Letter 0782

Charles du Bois to Hans Sloane – December 2, 1703

Item info

Date: December 2, 1703
Author: Charles du Bois
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: f. 221

Original Page


[fol. 221] Sr I am obliged to Dr Bulkley at Fort St George & to be even with him intend to send him a Few books in his own way, You are so great a Master, that if you will do me the Favour to send me a List to ye Value of 4 or 5 – of such medicinal or Chirurgical books as are new & well done, it will keep up in him ye Spirit of improving Natural history, which has been so far advanced by you, that I’m sure you can’t help promoting it all laudible ways, a Line by ye peny post will find me if directed to ye Lamp in Fenchurch street, I am Sr Yor Obliged humb sert Chales du Bois Decr 2 1703

Charles du Bois was a botanist working as the cashier-general of the East India Company. He became acquainted with other natural historians like James Petiver, William Sherard and Sloane, and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1700 (B. D. Jackson, Dubois, Charles (bap. 1658, d. 1740), rev. P. E. Kell, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/8113, accessed 8 July 2013]).

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