Letter 0784

William Derham to Hans Sloane – September 20, 1705

Item info

Date: September 20, 1705
Author: William Derham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: f. 69

Original Page


[fol. 69] Sr Upminster Sep: 20. 1705 Last night I read yours. I wish you much success with your Purchace, wch certainly cannot but be a pennyworth. I believe wt the Tenant told you of felling 50 Timber is true, probably more would do no harm to the Farm. But I believe you had not best to begin to fell, till you or some skillfull friend have viewed the timber, & assigned the particular Trees to be felled. Some ingenious Carpenter would so so much a thing best, especially if Overlooked. As to wt ye Tent saith about Lopping, & getting Rafters, my opinion is, yt you had best to forbid that to be done in a greater quantity than wt his Lease permitteth. I presume his Lease pemritts him to Lop for Stake-boot & Tire-boot, & one of yt there may be enough found for Rafters. Then there are very few if any wanting, the buildings being all in very good Repair, except a small part of the Brew house, wch you must take speedy care to have done before winter & Frosts some. But perhaps the Tenant is bound to repairs, & therefore it will be good to ex- cite him, & you may allow him a small matter towards it, by reason it is what the storm did. The neighbour wch I intend to empty to overlook your Tenant is not yet gone to his New-house, there but will speedily do So, & he hath promised me all care & fidelity in your behalf. If I can be any way serviceable to you in this or any other matter You know whom you may comand. But I should be glad if you Would be persuaded to view with your own as well as my eyes. The Tent (if I mistake him not) is a sort of sly fellow, & would not ily be busy in felling & lopping your Trees at his [?]

Derham was a Church of England clergyman and a natural philosopher, interested in nature, mathematics, and philosophy. He frequently requested medical advice from Sloane, and likely served as a physician to his family and parishioners (Marja Smolenaars, “Derham, William (1657-1735)”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7528, accessed 7 June 2011]).

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