Letter 0801

Thomas Tanner to Hans Sloane – October 19, 1702

Item info

Date: October 19, 1702
Author: Thomas Tanner
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: ff. 35-36

Original Page


[fol. 35] Honored Sir, The bearer Mr More has for [the] great part of this summer applyed himself wth unwearied diligence on the Sea Coast of Norfolk and Suffolk in search of Shells, Marine Plants and other Natural Curiosities. Upon discourse wth him you’l be able to make the best judgemt of his Abilities; I believe he’s very honest and willing to take pains, so that he may be usefull to you or some other of the Society if you should have occasion to send any person into any part of the world on any searches of this nature. I remain wth a due sense of your many favors Sir Your very much obliged humble servt Thom. Tanner Norwich Oct. 19. 1702.

Thomas Tanner was the Bishop of St Asaph, an antiquary, and scholar. He was an associate of Arthur Charlett, another Sloane correspondent and Master of University College, Oxford. He left academic life at Oxford in 1698 to take up a clerical position at Norwich, which led to a career in the Church (Richard Sharp, Tanner, Thomas (16741735), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2006 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/26963, accessed 4 July 2013]).

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