Letter 0826

James Cuninghame to Hans Sloane – February 3, 1702/03

Item info

Date: February 3, 1702/03
Author: James Cuninghame
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: ff. 81-82

Original Page


[fol. 81] Sr The shortness of time will not permitt me to give you a particular account of our affairs, therefor I must referr you to my good friend Mr Oliphant Surgeon to the Eaton Frigat. Ever since we came here we have been in suspense about our Settlement & now the Chinese stuborness has forcd the factory away at once; my circumstances being such as I could not leave this place without considerable disadvantage as others have done; I have procurd liberty from the Government to stay behind, designing to return home in the Sarah-Galley, which will not be dispatched this season. I have sent you by Mr Oliphant the Draught of Chusan & the adhacent Islands which I formerlie promisd you, as exact as any of that kind; also a Register of the Weather here for 14 Months; a Chinese Almanack & a small Chinese book of Characters with their Hieroglyphical Significations; And because I cannot have time to write to Mr Petiver, I have sent betwixt you & him a few seeds, a few shells & a few Butterflies, which you must accept from a willing mind to serve you, till we meet with more favourable opportunities. My most humble service to all the Gentlemen of your Societie, to serve whom shall always be the ambition Sir Your most obliged & most Humble Sert Ja: Cuninghame Chuson Febrie 3. 1702.

James Cuninghame (fl. 1698-1709) became a member of the Royal Society in 1699. He traveled the world as a trader and collected information, plant specimens, and curiosities until his death in 1709 (Gordon Goodwin, Cuninghame , James (fl. 16981709), rev. D. J. Mabberley, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Sept 2010 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/6922, accessed 24 June 2013]).

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