Letter 0965

John Ray to Hans Sloane – December 14, 1704

Item info

Date: December 14, 1704
Author: John Ray
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: ff. 401-402

Original Page


Ray was a theologian and naturalist who collected and catalogued his botanical findings in the much lauded Historia plantarum (1686, 1688) (Scott Mandelbrote, Ray , John (16271705), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Oct 2005 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/23203, accessed 18 June 2013]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A John Ray
    Age:76 years old.
  • Description
  • Diagnosis

    Painful leg sores, which are spreading.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:

    Sloane told Ray to straighten his legs and prescribed another treatment, which Ray will pursue as soon as he has all the items necessary.


    Due to all his sitting, the muscles in his legs are so contracted that it causes him pain to straight them out, let alone stretch them, but he 'will endeavour what [he] can'.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Leg Sores, Injuries (includes wounds, sores, bruises), Pain, Skin ailments