Letter 1033

William Derham to Hans Sloane – February 4, 1705/06

Item info

Date: February 4, 1705/06
Author: William Derham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 129-130

Original Page


[fol. 130] Sr Upminster Feb. 4 1705/6 I have sent you your Mersenne, & one of the 2 Vol. you lent me of the Acta Erudit., toge- ther with a thousand thanks for the use of them. You should sooner have read them but U have not been nor sent to London since I saw you. If my man finds you at home, I desire you will come see me the Lr of Mr —— about Easter, remember you read to the Society when I was last there, & wch the President took to examine you shall have it again with all safety & speed. I have looked over some collections I had on yt subject, and I think am able to put all matters out of doubt on that subject. Dr Wallis is certainly out in his account, & Mr Thorton not fully right in his, wch are published in the Transactions; & I want to see what that Gent says in the Lr I desire of you If you think a short Dissertation on that subject ground and on undoubted Antiquity & the best Records would be acceptable. I would draw it up & send you. I herewith also send you a farther account of some Magneticall experiments wch I take to be new usefull & I hop will be [accep]table diversions to you & the Society. I am perfecting my experiments about the flight of Sounds, which are to be long. I intend to impart to the So- ciety , & I hope to their satisfaction. Your matters are well as Orset, only the Brewhouse wanteth some Rafters & Thatch to defend that building again to the winter weather. I desire my humble service may be accepted by your Lady. I am Sr your much obliged humble servant Wm Derham This minute the mans wife at Orset who looks after your Farm is come hither, & tells me yt there are 3 or 4 young Ashes cut down in your Grove, & about as many young Elms in the Hedges.

Derham was a Church of England clergyman and a natural philosopher, interested in nature, mathematics, and philosophy. He frequently requested medical advice from Sloane, and likely served as a physician to his family and parishioners (Marja Smolenaars, “Derham, William (1657-1735)”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7528, accessed 7 June 2011]).

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