Letter 1336

Peter Hotton to Hans Sloane – February 27, 1703

Item info

Date: February 27, 1703
Author: Peter Hotton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: ff. 91-92

Original Page


Hotton quotes a letter from Scheuchzer. The latter wants to know if his manuscript on his travels in Switzerland will suit the Royal Society or if he should change its style. Tournefort has sent Hotton a copy of his ‘Institutiones Rei Herbariae’, in which he identifies plants by genus instead of species alone. Hotton informs Sloane of the publication of Ramazzini’s ‘De Morbis Artificum’ and Giorgio Baglivi’s ‘De Fibra Motrice’, both of which are medical texts. Rivinus wants his botanical books to be printed in London. Peter Hotton (1648-1709), also known as Petrus Houttuyn, was Professor of Botany and Medicine at Leiden University. He supervised the university’s botanic gardens (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrus_Houttuyn).

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