Letter 1343

James Sherard to Hans Sloane – June 26, 1708

Item info

Date: June 26, 1708
Author: James Sherard
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4041
Folio: ff. 165-166

Original Page


[fol. 165] Sr Looking over my Brothers Letters I find he has given you the trouble of procuring some books & other things to be sent to him at Smirna, there is now an opportunity of sending and therefore beg if they are ready that you’l please to let them be sent to my house by first occasion for I am told the ships are almost full & will be going in a little time. I am Sr yr most humble servant James Sherard London June 26 1708

James Sherard (1666-1738) apprenticed as an apothecary to Charles Watts. He practiced as an apothecary in Mark Lane, London and retired in 1720. Sherard was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1706. In his retirement he pursued the collection of rare plants and became a well known botanist, though not as well known as his brother William Sherard (FRS 1720). James Sherard spent the 1720s travelling and collecting specimens by 1730 was managing the Chelsea Gardens. (W. W. Webb, ‘Sherard, James (1666–1738)’, rev. Scott Mandelbrote, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Sept 2013 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/25354, accessed 16 June 2015]).

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