Letter 1434

Peter Hotton to Hans Sloane – January 9, 1705

Item info

Date: January 9, 1705
Author: Peter Hotton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: ff. 416-417

Original Page


Giorgio Baglivi, the Italian physician, sent some books to Hotton to forward to Sloane. Baglivi wants to know if there is any interest in an English edition. Tournefort wrote that Faluggi is working on a new botanical treatise. People have been asking Hotton when Sloane’s Jamaican book will be published. He wants to know what he should tell them. Peter Hotton (1648-1709), also known as Petrus Houttuyn, was Professor of Botany and Medicine at Leiden University. He supervised the university’s botanic gardens (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrus_Houttuyn).

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