Letter 1471

Peter Hotton to Hans Sloane – December 21, 1706

Item info

Date: December 21, 1706
Author: Peter Hotton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 274-275

Original Page


Hotton offers news apropos politics and the Duke of Marlborough. He encloses a catalogue of new books and promises to send Dominico Gulielmini’s book on salts and two small works by Baglivi. Hotton reminds Sloane of a list of six English books that he had asked him to send to Holland. He relays news that Tournefort is still working on his book about his journey to the Levant and hopes to have something published within a year. Langius has sent his book, ‘Historia Lapidimi Figuratorum Helvetiae’, to press. Hotton promises to send a copy of Plumier’s ‘Nova plantarum americanarum genera’ to Petiver. He sends his regards to Tancred Robinson. Peter Hotton (1648-1709), also known as Petrus Houttuyn, was Professor of Botany and Medicine at Leiden University. He supervised the university’s botanic gardens (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrus_Houttuyn).

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