Letter 1507

Peter Hotton to Hans Sloane – October 18, 1707

Item info

Date: October 18, 1707
Author: Peter Hotton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4041
Folio: ff. 44-45

Original Page


Hotton has sent copies of Sloane’s book to Tournefort and Geoffroy in France. He includes three catalogues of books with this letter. Baglivi’s work on dropsy is of particular interest to him. Hotton thanks Sloane for being so kind to Mr Gartzweiler of Aachen,recommended to Sloane by Hotton in Sloane MS 4040 f. 358. Hotton asks if Sloane can get him some seeds of the ‘pinguicula gesneri’, a plant he has read about in Ray’s Synopsis of British Plants. He does not have it in his garden. Peter Hotton (1648-1709), also known as Petrus Houttuyn, was Professor of Botany and Medicine at Leiden University. He supervised the university’s botanic gardens (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrus_Houttuyn).

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