Letter 1648

John Chamberlayne to Hans Sloane – January 19, 1709/10

Item info

Date: January 19, 1709/10
Author: John Chamberlayne
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: f. 87

Original Page


[fol. 87] Petty France 19 Jan: 1709/10 Sr If you had laid your comands upon me in a much greater matter than what I writ to you lately ab’t I mean the Election of Signor Bianchi, a copy of the Transactions preceding the last &c, I should not have fail’d in a punctual obedience of them, but I may repeat my humbly Requests never so often, & I hear no more of the success thereof, unless a Dutch letter intervenes, wch if I take in a little unkindly, I expect to be Pardon’d, because I am always more sensible of Favors, than Contempts put upon Sr Your most humble servant John Chamberlayne

John Chamberlayne was a translator and editor specializing in modern languages which he studied at the University of Leiden. He translated works on many topics, was a fellow of the Royal Society, and published three works in the Philsophical Transactions (Reavley Gair, ‘Chamberlayne, John (1668/9-1723)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Oct 2009 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/5060, accessed 30 May 2011]).

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