Letter 1656

Alexander Stuart to Hans Sloane – February 25, 1710

Item info

Date: February 25, 1710
Author: Alexander Stuart
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 105-106

Original Page


[fol. 105] Leyden Febray 25th 1710 Much Honoured Sir I gave you the trouble of a Letter hence of Dec Last, to return my hearty thanks for your recommendatory Letters, which had a very good Effect. We have a Laste Report here of ane aproaching peace, where I presume to renew my former Request to you, if you think fit to make mention of me to any young Gentleman who intends to travel in these parts. I think I have so much French as is necessary for that end, and hope in a few months I shall have acquired some knowledg in the Dutch. I have some thoughts of makeing a Collection of plants by way of a Dry Herbal out of the Physick Garden here; but I understand it is not commonly permitted; therefore have not yet ventured to ask Mr Boerhaave about it: If I cab be any ways serviceable to you in this, or find any Difficulty in obtaining Leave, I shall presume to Let you know, that is you think fitt you may mention it to Mr Boerhaave, who I beleive woud readily grant me that liberty at your Request. If it is in my Power to render you any service here, I beg you’l favour me with your Commands of which I shall be very fond, as of all opportunitys of expressing how sensible I am of your undeprved Freindship towards Much Honured Sir Your most humble and most obliged Servt. Alexr Stuart. My humble Respects to your Honoured Lady and Family. I shall very much esteem the Honour of a line from you. Please to direct for me att Myn Heer Monteba’s op de Longe Brugg lot Leyden.

Stuart was a physician and natural philosopher. He served as a ship’s surgeon from 1701-1707 and corresponded with Sloane while at sea, sending him natural history specimens. Stuart contributed articles to the Philosophical Transactions from the 1720s, mostly on physiology (Anita Guerrini, Stuart, Alexander (1673?1742), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/47081, accessed 3 July 2013]).

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