Letter 1691

William Derham to Hans Sloane – August 18, 1710

Item info

Date: August 18, 1710
Author: William Derham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 164-165

Original Page


[fol. 165] Sr Upminster Aug 18 1710 Yesterday dining with Sr Richd Child gave me an opportunity of meeting old Lady Child (formerly widow of the famous Mr Chr: Willughby) & Mrs Willughby daughter of The same Mr Willughby, with whom I had a long conversation about the draughts of In- sects wch Mr Will- left behind him, & wch I saw in Mr Rays hands. I earnestly recom- mended to them to have them engraved, & promised my assistance to sort them, & make references of them to ye published Book, &c. But they told me yt Sr Tho: Willughby, & they also for their parts took it ill, yt Mr Will papers should be published in Mr Rays name, & he carry away yt honr they thought due to their Far, yt Sr Thomas & Dr Mann had laboured in yework, for near 2 years, & had divers Plates engraved in order to its publica[ti]on, wch are now lying by them. But they said they would consult Sr Tho. In the matter, & they did believe if Mt Rays Hist. Insect. could bear an Edition in Willughbys name or to as to do him due honour whose share therein is the greatest, yt St Tho: and they would be at the ex- pence of Engraving the Plates, & give us another & far better Edition of ye Hist. Insectorum. I had them about me, & shewed them several Lrs of Mr Rays to me relating to ye publica[ti]on of his Hist: Insect. in his life-timel wchthey desired copies of, but I put off by delays for some rea- sons I will tell you. If you remember I was of opini- on when the matter was first transacted in the Society, & I chosen of ye Committee, yt we had better not be hasty in the publica[ti]on, till be had consulted Sr Tho: Will- in the case: & I find by them if we had done so, we should have had all Mr Willughbies Icons, & other too me at their charge. I give you this speedy notice of our yesterdays discourse, because I know you will hear further of it, & yt you may transact ac- cordingly wth Sr Tho: Will-, or any body else for the service & benefit of that Book, as also think of some excuse for our publica[ti]on thereof wth out their knowledge, wch they look upon as no better than surreptitious. I made the best excuse I could, as yt we are teized for the Book, I were all of us in hast to have any thin that their Far was so far concerned in, & a book yt was indeed so much wanted in the curious & learned world, & some other things I will tell you of, all wch some what appeased them. And as you must expect to hear all this over again, so I leave you to farther ex- cuse the Society, & to sollicite Sr Thomass favour for the Plates, wch I believe it will be much in your power to obtain. I should be glad to see you & talk wth you farther about this, but we are busy still in harvest, yt I cant come to London, but wish for you here, where you shall find an hearty wellcome to Your much obliged humble servt Wm Derham My Wifes humble service to you, & mine to yr Lady.

Derham was a Church of England clergyman and a natural philosopher, interested in nature, mathematics, and philosophy. He frequently requested medical advice from Sloane, and likely served as a physician to his family and parishioners (Marja Smolenaars, Derham, William (16571735), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7528, accessed 2 June 2011]).

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