Letter 1931

Henry Barham Sr. to Hans Sloane – November 13, 1713

Item info

Date: November 13, 1713
Author: Henry Barham Sr.
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: ff. 208-209

Original Page


[fol. 208] Must be a True Rectifyed Sp: of Wine to Dissolve it I have made use of it severall years in my practice with great success in all venerial cases and finde is a specifick in Dropsies some others in the Towne Practice much with it and Choses that yellowish large sort and findes great success by it yet not withstanding the Daily experience some Persons have Reported not only hear but in Engl=and that it is not True Gum Guajacum to my very great Detriment and Disapointment of sale: butt yet Cannot Tell what Gum if not Guajacum; nor from What other Tree then Lign: Vita; Some say hear that it is from ye Manchapoole Tree and that it lyes hid in the hear and forkes of the Tree and Negroes makes Rope ladders to come at it it may be soo but upon strick Inquiry I Cannot finde an Occu=lar Wittness; and but Guess work: I have lookt Uppon standreds of these Trees and Could Never see any Gum nor any of them notched or Cutt for Gum; butt allowing it to be soo I doo affirme and am Ready to give my Oath that it hath all ye Virtus of Gum Guajacum and to day it must be Poison because the Apples are they may say as well yt Cassory or Cassador is soo because the Juice of the Root is Poisen wch every body knows. I desire you would favor mee with some Tryalls of it and give your Opinion you may have what quantity you please of is from Thomas Moss Merchant in scotch yard in Bush lane […] Near […] Cannon street; who hath a quantity of it from mee: I shall send you by the Next our Spider and some things worth your Observation in ye mean While I Remaine your Zealous Devoted friend and Servant Henry Barham Novembr 13th 1713: Spanish Towne

Henry Barham (1670?-1726) was a botanist. He lived in Jamaica and corresponded with Sloane on the plant and animal life of the island. Parts of Barham’s letters to Sloane appeared in the latter’s Natural History of Jamaica (T. F. Henderson, Barham, Henry (1670?1726), rev. Anita McConnell, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/1374, accessed 13 June 2011]).

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