Letter 2020

William Beauvoir to Hans Sloane – April 18, 1715

Item info

Date: April 18, 1715
Author: William Beauvoir
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4044
Folio: ff. 37-38

Original Page


[fol. 37] Paris Ap:ll 10:th 1715. Sir, My L:d Stair’s Equipage hath detain’d me so long, that I am but lately arriv’d here, w:ch is the Reason that I have not return’d You sooner my most humble & hearty Thanks for Yr favour to my spouse & my self. Yr Goodness is still greater than I cou’d expect, & therefore I have all the Gratitude in the World for it. I am at a Loss how to manage about the Money w:ch Mr Copley is willing to pay next Month for my Wife. If he continues in that Good Temper, let me beseech You to be so kind as to receive it: And to give Your self the Trouble to inform me, what is requir’d of me towards the receiving of it. It can’t be better than in Yr hands, & I flatter my self You’d be pleas’d to grant me that Favour. I went my self to Mr Geofroy’s house as soon as I arriv’d to see Yr Present safely deliver’d, but did not speak with him But I design to wait upon him with Coll Chasselon, who gives humble service to You, & hat desir’d me to acquaint You, that he hath several Curious Observaons to communicate to the Roy’ll Society. They relate to Mathematiks [sic], Physicks, & Navigation. I long to have the Hon:r of Yr Commands, & an opportunity to approuve my self, Sir, Your most humble & most Obed’t servant Wm Beauvoir

William Beauvoir was Chaplain to John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of Stair.

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