Letter 2072

John Anstis to Hans Sloane – March 24, 1715/16

Item info

Date: March 24, 1715/16
Author: John Anstis
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4044
Folio: ff. 145-146

Original Page


[fol. 145] March 24 1715/6 S’r ffinding in the Gazette that His Ma’ty hath conferred on You the dignity of a Baronet for which there is by Patent due to me 2ll.10δ., I take the liberty to acquaint you (as I did lately to my Lord Chief Justice, when He was created a Peer) that I have appointed no one to receive my fee, So that if it be included in any bill, I must desire you not pay it; I presume you will take the same measures His LP hath done, and that I may have y’r leave in some short time to wait on You for it; Otherwise (since there is some opposition given me contrary to all Law) you’l not think your self disobliged, if I endeavour by proper methods to recover it. I am forced to write so plain in regard to the rights of my Office, whereof I shall give you the History, when I have the Honour to wait on You. I am Y’r most Obedt Servant John Anstis Garter.

John Anstis was a herald, antiquary, and MP (Stuart Handley, Anstis, John (16691744), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/584, accessed 28 June 2011]).

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