Letter 2185

J. Stanley to Hans Sloane – February 4, 1718

Item info

Date: February 4, 1718
Author: J. Stanley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4045
Folio: f. 98

Original Page


[fol. 98r]
Pursuant to an Order of Councill
My Lord Chamberlain desires you to attend at
Kensington wth other physitians Appointed to
Morrow Morning at Eleven a Clock to be present
at the opening the Body of his highness Prince
George William and that you bring Your
Report thereof to his Grace, to be said before
the Councill.
I am
yr most humble servt
J Stanley

Prince George William died, aged just over three months. The child’s baptism created a family quarrel, which resulted in suspicions about the cause of his death (that it was separation from his mother). The Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Newcastle, was also one of his godparents. ‘Kensington’ likely refers to Kensington Palace, where he had been living at his death.

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